Thoughts Around the Culture of Medicine

Thoughts Around the Culture of Medicine

Continually, as physicians, we are taught we must lose ourselves in the care of others. We must make sacrifices in order to provide the best care. Can I be a great physician without losing myself along the way? Can I put my full heart and soul into the care of each individual and still leave some of that passion for myself and my family? I know this is true. I’ve seen it. Despite knowing that […]

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5 Ideas to Make the Most of Your Gap Year

5 Ideas to Make the Most of Your Gap Year

College, medical school, residency. That’s the progression people think of when they think of how to become a doctor. If you talk to a room of doctors though, you’ll find that many of them will tell you they didn’t follow that path. There were detours along the way. I can tell you first hand, that there were quite a few detours in my road to medical school. One turn on that road included two gap […]

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