Our Next Investment: The Queens Duplex

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After 7 weeks, I finally took my Step 1 exam. It feels so good to be done. Second year was a whirlwind and I took a step back from writing blog posts to focus on school. Now, I’m getting ready to transition into my PhD phase and with that hopefully I’ll get back to writing regularly. While I was eyes deep in studying, something exciting also happened: We got another property! The Queens duplex is […]

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Black Friday Deals for the New Homeowner

Black Friday Deals for the New Homeowner

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. This time last year we were in limbo, waiting to close on our first home together. Even though we didn’t officially have the house yet, that didn’t stop me from using Black Friday deals to my advantage. We put together a list of what we would need, basically starting from scratch with our house. I lived on my own in college, but […]

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One Room Challenge: Week Six | The Dining Room Reveal

One Room Challenge: Week Six | The Dining Room Reveal

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. It’s week six of the One Room Challenge and that means it dining room reveal day! If you’re new to the challenge, twice a year, in the spring and fall, 20 featured designers and hundreds of bloggers/instagrammers as guest participants take 6-weeks to redesign one room! This week was a lot of finishing up last minute projects and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. The […]

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One Room Challenge: Week Five | The Dining Room Table

It’s week five of the One Room Challenge! If you’re new to the challenge, twice a year, in the spring and fall, 20 featured designers and hundreds of bloggers/instagrammers as guest participants take 6-weeks to redesign one room! It’s hard to believe it’s already the final week of this challenge. I’ll have quite a bit to do this week to make this room happen. But I’m ready to push through and do what I can […]

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One Room Challenge: Week Four | The Dining Room Buffet

One Room Challenge: Week Four | The Dining Room Buffet

It’s week four of the One Room Challenge! If you’re new to the challenge, twice a year, in the spring and fall, 20 featured designers and hundreds of bloggers/instagrammers as guest participants take 6-weeks to redesign one room! These weeks are just flying by. It’s really been a challenge trying to keep on track with this room makeover and I’d have to say I’ve definitely fallen behind. I honestly thought I would have been further […]

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One Room Challenge: Week Three | The Dining Room Built-Ins

One Room Challenge: Week Three | The Dining Room Built-Ins

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. It’s the third week of the One Room Challenge! If you’re new to the challenge, twice a year, in the spring and fall, 20 featured designers and hundreds of bloggers/instagrammers as guest participants take 6-weeks to redesign one room! This past week involved getting the rest of the glue off of the walls, patching holes, and doing some last minute demo. One […]

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One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. This is the second week of the One Room Challenge! If you’re new to the challenge, twice a year, in the spring and fall, 20 featured designers and hundreds of bloggers/instagrammers as guest participants take 6-weeks to redesign one room! This past week has been a busy one, just not so much in the dining room, unfortunately. I had one of my […]

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One Room Challenge: Week One | The Dining Room Plans

One Room Challenge: Week One | The Dining Room Plans

I’m so excited to share that we will be joining in on the Fall 2018 One Room Challenge! I saw Laura Sima over at Our Fifties Fixer Upper post about the One Room Challenge on Instagram back in the beginning of September. I was like, wait, this is a great idea! Twice a year, in the spring and fall, 20 featured designers and hundreds of bloggers/instagrammers as guest participants take 6-weeks to redesign one room! […]

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The New & Improved Study Plan for Medical School

The New & Improved Study Plan for Medical School

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. With the new school year in full swing, I wanted to take some time to do an update on what I use in my study plan for medical school. One of the biggest hurdles to get over when starting medical school is figuring out how you learn. With that, figuring out which study practices work best for YOU. The following information is […]

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What’s New: A Summer Refresh

This summer has just flown by and I can’t believe I’ve already finished the first week of my second year of medical school! I wanted to take some time to share what I’ve been up to this summer. We’ve moved into the house! Finally. I’m using the term “moved into” loosely here. We’re living in the house, but it’s far from finished. When I was talking to my mom back in January about my older […]

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