What’s New: A Summer Refresh

This summer has just flown by and I can’t believe I’ve already finished the first week of my second year of medical school! I wanted to take some time to share what I’ve been up to this summer. We’ve moved into the house! Finally. I’m using the term “moved into” loosely here. We’re living in the house, but it’s far from finished. When I was talking to my mom back in January about my older […]

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5 Ideas to Make the Most of Your Gap Year

5 Ideas to Make the Most of Your Gap Year

College, medical school, residency. That’s the progression people think of when they think of how to become a doctor. If you talk to a room of doctors though, you’ll find that many of them will tell you they didn’t follow that path. There were detours along the way. I can tell you first hand, that there were quite a few detours in my road to medical school. One turn on that road included two gap […]

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