Our Next Investment: The Queens Duplex

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After 7 weeks, I finally took my Step 1 exam. It feels so good to be done. Second year was a whirlwind and I took a step back from writing blog posts to focus on school. Now, I’m getting ready to transition into my PhD phase and with that hopefully I’ll get back to writing regularly. While I was eyes deep in studying, something exciting also happened: We got another property! The Queens duplex is […]

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5 Things I’ve Learned as a New Landlord

5 Things I've Learned as a New Landlord

Owning rental properties is an excellent way to reach financial independence. It is generally passive income, but it won’t always start out that way. There’s a learning curve when it comes to becoming a new landlord. In our first 5 months of owning a rental property, we’ve had our fair share of learning experiences. Here is my advice to you in preparing to become a new landlord. 1. KNOW THE LAW One of the most important […]

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