The Key to Buying Your First Investment Property

The Key to Buying Your First Investment Property

Closing day is approaching. There’s plenty of stress, but a whole lot of excitement. With our first investment property, this is just the beginning of our real estate investment journey. There’s already so much we have learned (and so much more we have to). It has been a roller coaster ride of emotions this year, but soon it’s going to pay off. Big time. Getting started in real estate investing can seem pretty intimidating. Before […]

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Getting Started with Our Fixer-Upper

Getting Started with Our Fixer-Upper

Are you an HGTV junkie? I know I am, I could watch it all day [and it is on in my house 90% of the time]. Property Brothers, Fixer Upper, House Hunters Renovation … I have a thing for renovation shows. I can skip on all the drama, I just want to see the renovation plan and finished design! While the BF hasn’t always been on board with my big renovation plans, I always wanted […]

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Being in Limbo

Being In Limbo - Waiting During Escrow

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck? Like you can’t move forward? That’s how I feel now. We were supposed to close on our house a few weeks ago. Yet here we are, still house-less. We haven’t been able to set up a new closing date since we are waiting for the sellers to finish some elements of the contract. Now this is all good and well. I mean, I completely understand why we put […]

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