The Project List: Our Renovation Plan

The Project List: Our Renovation Plan

I’ve been talking about our renovation for a while now, but I haven’t taken the time to explain our full plan. So here’s our project list! Our exact plan has developed and changed slightly as we started demo, but it’s coming along (kind of) smoothly. Bathroom Our first priority has always been and remains the bathroom. Our apartment is a one-bedroom, one-bath, meaning we can’t really move in until we put the bathroom back together. […]

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Life As Homeowners

Life as Homeowners

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. Our first month as homeowners has been hectic to say the least! Being homeowners is exciting! After closing on the house, we wasted no time in starting demo. We ripped up the old carpet, took the bathroom back to the studs, opened up a few walls, and scraped wallpaper until we wanted to scream (and we’re still cleaning up the glue). We […]

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My Top 4 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate

My Top 4 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate

Jason and I have talked about starting to invest in real estate for a while now. We probably started talking about it during my sophomore year in college (over 5 years ago). However, this is something Jason has had in his mind for a long time. He always had this idea of a two-family home being his first home, but our plans became more definitive as we discussed it further. There are several reasons why […]

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3 Tips Before Starting Medical School

3 Tips Before Starting Medical School

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. Starting medical school is exciting. I remember it like it was 5 months ago… Okay, for real though. Starting medical school is exciting and nerve-racking and there is a lot going through your mind. You probably have a lot of questions and maybe I can answer some of them. Maybe questions like: What do I do to prepare? How do I study? […]

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3 Steps to Keep Your Renovation on Track

3 Steps to Keep Your Renovation on Track

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. We have big plans for this house, well, they’re big for us at least. There are quite a few things that we need or want to do immediately, but there are others that will be projects to complete along the way. Either way, we need to stay organized, keep our renovation on track, and keep on budget. Here are some things we […]

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Closing Day

Closing Day

We are homeowners! This is a pretty awesome feeling. We finally closed on the house last Wednesday and it’s still setting in. Yes, it took longer than we wanted, but I’m ecstatic. Here’s how closing day went. The Walkthrough We did our final walkthrough at 9am the day of closing. We were initially planning to do it the day before, but the upstairs tenant was not available. Getting the first floor apartment cleaned out could […]

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The Key to Buying Your First Investment Property

The Key to Buying Your First Investment Property

Closing day is approaching. There’s plenty of stress, but a whole lot of excitement. With our first investment property, this is just the beginning of our real estate investment journey. There’s already so much we have learned (and so much more we have to). It has been a roller coaster ride of emotions this year, but soon it’s going to pay off. Big time. Getting started in real estate investing can seem pretty intimidating. Before […]

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5 Ideas to Make the Most of Your Gap Year

5 Ideas to Make the Most of Your Gap Year

College, medical school, residency. That’s the progression people think of when they think of how to become a doctor. If you talk to a room of doctors though, you’ll find that many of them will tell you they didn’t follow that path. There were detours along the way. I can tell you first hand, that there were quite a few detours in my road to medical school. One turn on that road included two gap […]

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Getting Started with Our Fixer-Upper

Getting Started with Our Fixer-Upper

Are you an HGTV junkie? I know I am, I could watch it all day [and it is on in my house 90% of the time]. Property Brothers, Fixer Upper, House Hunters Renovation … I have a thing for renovation shows. I can skip on all the drama, I just want to see the renovation plan and finished design! While the BF hasn’t always been on board with my big renovation plans, I always wanted […]

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Being in Limbo

Being In Limbo - Waiting During Escrow

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck? Like you can’t move forward? That’s how I feel now. We were supposed to close on our house a few weeks ago. Yet here we are, still house-less. We haven’t been able to set up a new closing date since we are waiting for the sellers to finish some elements of the contract. Now this is all good and well. I mean, I completely understand why we put […]

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