5 Things I’ve Learned as a New Landlord

5 Things I've Learned as a New Landlord

Owning rental propertiesĀ is an excellent way to reach financial independence. It is generally passive income, but it won’t always start out that way. There’s a learning curve when it comes to becoming a new landlord. In our first 5 months of owning a rental property, we’ve had our fair share of learning experiences. Here is my advice to you in preparing to become a new landlord. 1. KNOW THE LAW One of the most important […]

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Thoughts Around the Culture of Medicine

Thoughts Around the Culture of Medicine

Continually, as physicians, we are taught we must lose ourselves in the care of others. We must make sacrifices in order to provide the best care. Can I be a great physician without losing myself along the way? Can I put my full heart and soul into the care of each individual and still leave some of that passion for myself and my family? I know this is true. I’ve seen it. Despite knowing that […]

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Main Bathroom Renovation Design Plan + Mood Board

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. Now that we’re getting into May, it’s nice to finally see that the main bathroom renovation is coming to a close! It’s been a long process and we still have a lot to do. But we’ve learned a ton along the way, sometimes the hard way. It’s also surreal approaching the end of the main bathroom renovation. It feels like we’ve been […]

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Spring Break Recap + Top 5 Things To Do In Vegas

Top 5 things to do in Vegas

A short break can be completely necessary. That’s how I felt with spring break this year. It was nice to get away from school and take some time to put my life back in order. Between the renovation and school, it’s been hectic. To get away from it all, I took a trip out to Las Vegas for half of break with some friends. I’ve never been out there before and it was a nice […]

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8 Small Financial Goals You Can Achieve This Year

8 Small Financial Goals You Can Achieve This Year

Getting your finances in order can be overwhelming. Everyone has big financial goals, whether its saving up for a home, getting out of debt, or buying your first investment property. However, these goals can feel completely out of reach when you’re just starting out. In order to stay motivated, make small financial goals that you can reach along the way. They’re quicker to accomplish and make those bigger goals attainable. To get you started, here’s […]

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How Exactly Do I Apply for Residency?

How Do I Apply for Residency?

Medical school builds up to one thing: residency [for the most part]. This isn’t the case for everyone, but it is for many medical students. Residency is the in-depth clinical training in the process of becoming a licensed physician. It’s the ‘next-step’ in becoming a fully functioning physician. If you’re starting medical school, its important to think about what comes next and how you apply for residency. In celebration of Match Day this past Friday, […]

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DIY Ombre Spice Jars

Ombre Spice Jars

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. Work on the house is slowly coming along, but finishing the reno is feeling a bit out of reach. If you haven’t seen what we’ve been up to, take a look at our plansĀ and how life as homeowners has been. In the mist of scraping walls and managing permits, I came across a few fellow bloggers on Pinterest with tutorials on organizing […]

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The Next 3 Books On My Reading List

The Next 3 Books On My Reading List

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. Spring break is coming up (YAY!) and I can’t wait. It’s still three weeks away, but it’s close enough to start getting excited. Although before spring break, I have to finish up with cardio. I’m enjoying my cardio block so far. The material is interesting (like most things in medicine) and once you get the physiology down, the pathology is pretty intuitive. […]

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4 Reasons Financial Goals Matter

4 Reasons Financial Goals Matter

Financial goals are different for everyone. You may want to retire early, travel more, or give your kids a debt-free education. Whatever your goals may be, it’s important to figure them out. My financial goals are intertwined with my career goals. I don’t plan to retire early. However, I do want to have freedom in my career in medicine and research. I want to keep working because I love what I do and I enjoy […]

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5 Study Resources You Need to Try in Medical School

5 Study Resources You Need to Try in Medical School

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. Repetition is key in medical school. Some concepts are just plain memorization while others are more intuitive. Either way, it will take more than just a single pass to get any content down. This is where I feel outside resources come into play. There is a huge variety of study resources out there for medical students and it may take some time […]

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