What’s New: A Summer Refresh

This summer has just flown by and I can’t believe I’ve already finished the first week of my second year of medical school! I wanted to take some time to share what I’ve been up to this summer. We’ve moved into the house! Finally. I’m using the term “moved into” loosely here. We’re living in the house, but it’s far from finished. When I was talking to my mom back in January about my older […]

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Spring Break Recap + Top 5 Things To Do In Vegas

Top 5 things to do in Vegas

A short break can be completely necessary. That’s how I felt with spring break this year. It was nice to get away from school and take some time to put my life back in order. Between the renovation and school, it’s been hectic. To get away from it all, I took a trip out to Las Vegas for half of break with some friends. I’ve never been out there before and it was a nice […]

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The Next 3 Books On My Reading List

The Next 3 Books On My Reading List

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. Spring break is coming up (YAY!) and I can’t wait. It’s still three weeks away, but it’s close enough to start getting excited. Although before spring break, I have to finish up with cardio. I’m enjoying my cardio block so far. The material is interesting (like most things in medicine) and once you get the physiology down, the pathology is pretty intuitive. […]

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Life As Homeowners

Life as Homeowners

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. Our first month as homeowners has been hectic to say the least! Being homeowners is exciting! After closing on the house, we wasted no time in starting demo. We ripped up the old carpet, took the bathroom back to the studs, opened up a few walls, and scraped wallpaper until we wanted to scream (and we’re still cleaning up the glue). We […]

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Closing Day

Closing Day

We are homeowners! This is a pretty awesome feeling. We finally closed on the house last Wednesday and it’s still setting in. Yes, it took longer than we wanted, but I’m ecstatic. Here’s how closing day went. The Walkthrough We did our final walkthrough at 9am the day of closing. We were initially planning to do it the day before, but the upstairs tenant was not available. Getting the first floor apartment cleaned out could […]

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Being in Limbo

Being In Limbo - Waiting During Escrow

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck? Like you can’t move forward? That’s how I feel now. We were supposed to close on our house a few weeks ago. Yet here we are, still house-less. We haven’t been able to set up a new closing date since we are waiting for the sellers to finish some elements of the contract. Now this is all good and well. I mean, I completely understand why we put […]

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