3 Steps to Keep Your Renovation on Track

3 Steps to Keep Your Renovation on Track

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my full disclosure policy. We have big plans for this house, well, they’re big for us at least. There are quite a few things that we need or want to do immediately, but there are others that will be projects to complete along the way. Either way, we need to stay organized, keep our renovation on track, and keep on budget. Here are some things we […]

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Getting Started with Our Fixer-Upper

Getting Started with Our Fixer-Upper

Are you an HGTV junkie? I know I am, I could watch it all day [and it is on in my house 90% of the time]. Property Brothers, Fixer Upper, House Hunters Renovation … I have a thing for renovation shows. I can skip on all the drama, I just want to see the renovation plan and finished design! While the BF hasn’t always been on board with my big renovation plans, I always wanted […]

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