Being in Limbo

Being In Limbo - Waiting During Escrow

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck?

Like you can’t move forward? That’s how I feel now. We were supposed to close on our house a few weeks ago. Yet here we are, still house-less. We haven’t been able to set up a new closing date since we are waiting for the sellers to finish some elements of the contract. Now this is all good and well. I mean, I completely understand why we put these in our contract. I also understand that the closing date is just an estimate and these things take time.

The actual part that’s driving me crazy?

They haven’t answered us!

It’s the not knowing that’s stressing me out. I like having a plan in place and knowing what’s ahead. I don’t like being in limbo. At such a busy time of year for us, I worry when we will be able to close. Between my school schedule, Jason’s work, and the holidays coming up, it will be hard to find a good date that isn’t next year (if they don’t answer soon). Once they let us know where they are in the process, we can set a date and I can relax.

Now, I know that’s not the only part that’s contributing to my impatience. I’m excited to work on this house project and I can’t wait for us to move in together. Without having a set date, our home feels intangible. It’s just out of reach and who knows when we’ll be able to call it our own?

I need to practice patience. There is no more that we can do on our end of the deal (other than make even more phone calls asking for answers). All I can do is hope they are working on it and will get back to us soon. And maybe take a few deep breaths.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to move forward on this deal soon.

Being In Limbo: Waiting During Escrow

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