One Room Challenge: Week Five | The Dining Room Table

It’s week five of the One Room Challenge!

If you’re new to the challenge, twice a year, in the spring and fall, 20 featured designers and hundreds of bloggers/instagrammers as guest participants take 6-weeks to redesign one room!

It’s hard to believe it’s already the final week of this challenge. I’ll have quite a bit to do this week to make this room happen. But I’m ready to push through and do what I can to finish this room.

Currently we’re working on finishing the drywall we finally hung this past week.

Once drywall gets hung, even if it isn’t finished yet, the room seems to transform from reno zone to actually looking put together. It’s a great feeling. I’m still getting used to it though. It’s weird walking into the house and not seeing the chimney. We opened that wall in February or March, so it’s striking to finally see it covered.

One Room Challenge: Week Five | The Dining Room TableOur view for the past several months.

One Room Challenge: Week Five | The Dining Room TableThe difference drywall can make.

Once the drywall is finished, we can paint!

The other big project this week is refinishing the dining room table and chairs.

We picked up the table we are going to use for the dining room from Jason’s cousin. It was originally Jason’s great grandfather’s from the family property in upstate New York. I’m going to take another look at it to see whether I need to fully refinish it or just clean it up. I’m hoping for the latter, since I’d rather keep it original. I do need to make some adjustments with it though. It’s rather short, so we’re going to boost it up to a normal dining table height using some hidden extra pieces of wood. I don’t want to take away from the table itself, but it’s just too short to be functional as is.

I haven’t picked up chairs I want to use yet, so that will have to be something I look for this weekend. I’m leaning towards finding some chairs from a thrift store or flea market, rather than buying new. After I find those, that will be another refinishing project.

Our biggest hurdle right now is getting through all the steps in prepping the walls. It’s been our struggle throughout the project. It’s a stepwise process that takes multiple days. We’re taking it one step at a time though and making progress.

I can see the finish line and I can’t wait to share the final reveal next Thursday!

Don’t forget to follow along on Instagram and check out my Pinterest for my inspiration for this room!

Week One | Week Two | Week Three | Week Four | Week Six

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One Room Challenge: Week Five | The Dining Room Table


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