One Room Challenge: Week Four | The Dining Room Buffet

One Room Challenge: Week Four | The Dining Room Buffet

It’s week four of the One Room Challenge!

If you’re new to the challenge, twice a year, in the spring and fall, 20 featured designers and hundreds of bloggers/instagrammers as guest participants take 6-weeks to redesign one room!

These weeks are just flying by. It’s really been a challenge trying to keep on track with this room makeover and I’d have to say I’ve definitely fallen behind. I honestly thought I would have been further along than this.

But, that’s no reason to stop pushing through!

One of the challenges with this renovation in particular is that the dining room has been our central hub throughout the rest of the renovations. We bought a cheap dining room set from the Habitat for Humanity Restore way back, I think even before we closed on the house. We’ve been able to have one place we can sit down and eat, watch TV, or do some work.

This makeover has definitely messed with our routine [especially the buffet conversion] and pushed our limits. But that’s not the worst thing. Sometimes we need a little push, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Despite feeling perpetually behind, we have made some progress this week. We’ve filled the holes in the walls and we just need one more coat of compound and sanding. The supplies for the built-ins [link] have been bought. We just need to dig out our chop saw from the mess that is the living room and get the clamps from Jason’s dad in order to get that going. We still need to do some framing to support those as well as in the opening to get it ready for drywall.

Today particularly I’ve been working hard on transforming the dresser into a buffet for the dining room.

Originally, before this challenge started, I was planning on finding a buffet from a thrift store or flea market to refinish for this space. I was still going to at least repaint this dresser, but we were going to use it in the bedroom. That was, until we realized it’s a little too big for our bedroom. However, we already owned it. It was originally my sister’s from her apartment for school. When she moved back home, she gave it to my brother. Then, when he couldn’t get it up into his apartment, it became ours. We needed somewhere to put our clothes in order to fully move in, so why not?

Since we have been using it for our clothes, we had to find another dresser for our bedroom. We picked one up this past weekend from Jason’s grandmother’s house, particularly so I could start working on this project.

This dresser also served as TV stand, entryway table, and charging station. So, I need to push to finish this buffet transformation. The sooner we can get a little organization back into the dining room, the better. We don’t have a spot to sit and eat now, since almost everything that was on top of the dresser is now on the dining room table.

After I finish with this project, I’ll do a how-to post on the dresser to buffet transformation.

This post went on longer that I thought it would, but I’ll leave you with this picture of how the new buffet sits tonight.

One Room Challenge: Week Four | The Dining Room Buffet

Progress is progress, and that is what I’ll have to keep telling myself to get this renovation done.

Don’t forget to also follow along on Instagram and check back next Thursday to see our progress!

Week One | Week Two | Week Three | Week Five | Week Six

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One Room Challenge: Week Four | The Dining Room Buffet

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