One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

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This is the second week of the One Room Challenge!

If you’re new to the challenge, twice a year, in the spring and fall, 20 featured designers and hundreds of bloggers/instagrammers as guest participants take 6-weeks to redesign one room!

This past week has been a busy one, just not so much in the dining room, unfortunately. I had one of my medical school exams on Monday, which means I dedicated study time for myself Friday to Sunday. We adopted our first dog together this past weekend, our sweet Kaylee. I’m also taking a Fire Vehicle Extrication class this week for continuing education for my EMT certification, which took up two of my nights.

With all this going on this week on top of school and work, we’ve barely made any progress in the dining room remodel. We started working on de-gluing the walls. And that’s about as far as we’ve gotten.

But that’s okay!

We should have more time this coming week. I’m hoping to get the walls completely de-glued, drywalled where needed, primed, painted, and to get those built-ins done.

In the mean time, I took some time today to do a rendering of the dining room. That way I can really visualize how this project is going to turn out! I left out some design details, but generally included similar ideas to what I’m looking for. Especially, the navy buffet, dark wood table, with white chairs.

One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

Inspiration: Dining Table | Buffet | Area Rug | Dining Chairs

Also, here are the original before photos from the day we closed on the house if you missed it on my stories on Instagram!

One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

I can’t wait to see this come together and I hope you’ll continue to follow along! Until next week!

I haven’t fully decided on the all of the finishes yet. You can head on over to my Pinterest account to see some designs that are inspiring me for this room.

Don’t forget to also follow along with our daily progress on Instagram and check back next Thursday to see our progress!

Week One | Week Three | Week Four | Week Five | Week Six

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One Room Challenge: Week Two | The Dining Room Progress

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