One Room Challenge: Week One | The Dining Room Plans

One Room Challenge: Week One | The Dining Room Plans

I’m so excited to share that we will be joining in on the Fall 2018 One Room Challenge! I saw Laura Sima over at Our Fifties Fixer Upper post about the One Room Challenge on Instagram back in the beginning of September. I was like, wait, this is a great idea!

Twice a year, in the spring and fall, 20 featured designers and hundreds of bloggers/instagrammers as guest participants take 6-weeks to redesign one room!

Once we finished the majority of the demo work on our fixer upper, we’ve sort of already been doing our reno room by room. We started with the bathroom, then we moved on to the bedroom. So, why not join in on this challenge and get some motivation to actually get this project moving?

Our major drive with the bathroom had been being able to move in, but now since we’ve been living here, it’s not such a rush to get projects done. It’s not the worst thing, but I can’t wait to get this project wrapped up at the same time!

The One Room Challenge has already motivated us to finish up the bedroom this past weekend to prepare for the next project!

We have 3 main rooms left to finish in this house: the dining room, the living room, and the kitchen; plus the entryway.

For this challenge, I chose to work on the dining room!

I initially thought I’d be ambitious and tackle the living room and dining room together. It is an open concept space. I then remembered that we have a stack of drywall sitting it the living room that’s not budging until we close up the kitchen ceiling! And we aren’t closing up the kitchen ceiling until we renovate the bathroom in the upstairs apartment. [We had a leak that we temporarily fixed, but we’re playing it safe and don’t want to have to rip down the ceiling once it’s done.]

So, dining room it is!

We already finished up some of the work in the dining room while renovating the bathroom. We opened up the wall between the dining room and kitchen and we had our carpenter install the header. While demo was going on in the rest of the house, we opened up the wall between the living room and dining room and tore down damaged plaster.

My current dining room plans include:

Raising the opening between the living room and dining room to match the opening between the dining room and kitchen.
Create built-in shelving in the kitchen-side wall.
Installing drywall where needed.
Clean glue residue off the remaining walls [from the mounds of wallpaper we removed].
Paint the walls & trim.
Refinish and transform the dresser into a buffet.
Refinish our dining room table and chairs.
Refresh the chandelier.

I’m not fully decided on the all of the finishes yet, but head on over to my Pinterest to see some designs that are inspiring my dining room plans.

I hope you follow along with me and the rest of the amazing people participating over the next 5 weeks!

Don’t forget to also follow along with us on Instagram and check back next Thursday to see how our dining room plans develop into a finished space!

Week Two | Week Three | Week Four | Week Five | Week Six

ORC Guest Participant Logo

One Room Challenge: Week One | The Dining Room Plans

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