Spring Break Recap + Top 5 Things To Do In Vegas

Top 5 things to do in Vegas

A short break can be completely necessary. That’s how I felt with spring break this year. It was nice to get away from school and take some time to put my life back in order. Between the renovation and school, it’s been hectic.

To get away from it all, I took a trip out to Las Vegas for half of break with some friends. I’ve never been out there before and it was a nice getaway.

We flew out early Saturday morning and had the full day in Vegas due to the time difference. Once we got to our hotel, we stopped for some breakfast while waiting for check-in. I had my first huevos rancheros and it was amazing. I definitely recommend it if you haven’t tried it before. By the time we were done with breakfast, we were able to check-in and get started for the day and on our vacation.

Instead of recapping everything, here are my top 5 things to do in Vegas:

1. Parasol Down at Wynn

This was my favorite part of my spring break getaway. It is a relaxing spot to sit, have some drinks, and talk. It sits a bit secluded from the hotel. There’s an inside bar and then an patio area that sits next to the “Lake of Dreams”, a pool of water with a water wall. They also have light shows at night, although we went during the day.

2. Skyfall at Delano

This is a bar at the top floor of the Delano Hotel, at the north end of the strip. It’s a great spot to sip some drinks and enjoy an amazing view of the entire strip, especially at night.

3. Lago at Bellagio

This is an upscale, small plates Italian restaurant at the Bellagio Hotel & Casino. It sits overlooking the fountains. It sits level with the pool, so you get an amazing view with your meal. The fountains come on every 30 minutes during the day and every 15 minutes at night.

4. Freemont Street

For something to do off the strip, I suggest going here. There’s a bunch of restaurants (definitely go for Nacho Daddy), a zipline, live music, and of course more casinos. Perfect for a night out.

5. Bellagio’s Arcadia Garden

Inside the Bellagio Hotel is a botanical garden, filled with flower sculptures. They change out the display each season and it’s a beautiful sight. Be sure to check their website though to make sure you don’t head there while they’re changing it.


Along with the top 5 things to do in Vegas, I have one more that I hope I’ll get to. While not actually in Vegas, there’s a lot to see relatively nearby. There are a few mountain ranges surrounding the city with hiking trails. All of which I’m sure have great views. If you have the time, the Historic Railroad Trail is a flat, 7.5 mile loop that leads to the Hoover Dam. It’s a sort drive from the strip, about 45 minutes. If you’re more adventurous, the Grand Canyon is a 4.5 hour drive.

These were my top 5 things to do in Vegas from my trip, but there’s a lot more to experience. That being said, I feel that the 4.5 days was enough time, without feeling rushed. If you’re planning to try out the Grand Canyon as well though, I’d suggest extending your trip a few more days.

Of course, vacation went quickly and before I knew it we were headed back to the airport.

The rest of my spring break included meeting with inspectors (and passing inspection!), taking Jason out for his birthday, working on the house, and catching up on some much needed sleep. It was a good break, and now it’s been about getting back into the grove of school, slowly.

Spring Break Recap + Top 5 Things To Do In Vegas

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