The Next 3 Books On My Reading List

The Next 3 Books On My Reading List

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Spring break is coming up (YAY!) and I can’t wait. It’s still three weeks away, but it’s close enough to start getting excited. Although before spring break, I have to finish up with cardio.

I’m enjoying my cardio block so far. The material is interesting (like most things in medicine) and once you get the physiology down, the pathology is pretty intuitive. Most of the time, you can deduce what’s going on and it’s not just based on pure memorization. Using other resources beyond lecture has been completely necessary for this block, but extremely helpful.

With a little break coming up, I’m hoping to be able to finish up Other Minds and get started on the next book on my reading list. I haven’t been able to read as much as I used to, despite trying to pick it up more this past month. Balancing school requirements and the house renovation has taken almost all of my time. Nevertheless, I think reading for my own sake keeps me sane.

When I take time everyday to read for myself, I feel more together. It helps me to relax and I feel less stressed out. It’s also one of my favorite ways to expand my understanding of multiple points of views. With that in mind, I have a ton of books that I would love to be able to read (and eventually I’ll get through them). For now, here at the next three on my reading list:


Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed

I haven’t yet watched the movie version that was released in 2014 and I’ve been holding out on it on purpose. I wanted to read it first and not spoil it with the movie. Hiking plus personal journey is a win for me.

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson

I bought this book back in the summer along with Other Minds and Lab Girl. It was on a “should read” list and I was looking to add a few more books to my collection. I am fascinated by the unknowns of this universe and would love to learn more. This seems like a good book to peak my interest in the subject without delving too deep.

Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande

I was introduced to this book in one of my medical school courses. This book explores the limitations of medicine and how we as physicians have to open our eyes to the realities of end of life care. I expect this book to be thought provoking and help me grow personally.

My reading list is ever growing, but that’s the beauty of it. There is so much information out there to explore. With each book I hope to gain more perspective that will help me as a person as well as a physician.

The Next 3 Books on My Reading List

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